So imagine my surprise yesterday when I realized that she is if fact the Devil!!! Well I don't really believe that.....but she truly evil.........
The Punkies all have their.....let's call them "quirks". Some of them individual and some of their ....."quirks" they share as a group. Bu and Tater easily become obsessed or fixated on things and pull Zo and the Princess in............
Yesterday while we were eating dinner, I opened the mail and look what was inside........
Simple enough right?! A little frightening but it is a Halloween card.................
awwwwe cute and witty! Gammie and Gampie are sooo sweet for thinking of the Punkies and sending out a card!!!!! And I would like to take a minute because I know what some of you are thinking......He's a Loli Pop(young male pop star) who looks like a teeny tiny baby butch so of course I secretly love him and dance to him all day long when the Punkies are listening to him.....but there's only so much I take..........
Cause this is what the card does............
Wait!!!!!! Did you get that?! It goes..................
Yea.........Like this.............
Oh just in case it is not in your head yet.........
Damn you Debbie!!!!! Damn you!!!!!!!!!
So all of you should know that after 12 hours we are still listening to Baby Baby Baby Ooohhhh. And all 4 of them stop sing and dance every time!!!! I hope everyone makes it through the day!
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