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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Chaos! It's My Life.......

I guess it is just time to accept and move on! My life is always going to be chaotic with 4 Punkies, a new puppy, and a significant other who is never going to make up her mind. So I am trying to harness the chaos and make it work for me!

The Punkies, well their the Punkies!
 Zois starting Pre School next week. He refuses to do Home Schooling with Kim so we are going to try taking him to PreSchool. Wish Him luck. 

And Buddha has decided that he too would like to go to school instead of home schooling so I'm signing him up for first grade and we will see how that goes! Buddha in the past has had a hard time with school settings and that is why we choose to home school so we will see.......Koda will also continue to go to school Monday through Friday, they tell us she is an angel there but we still aren't see it at home!

The Princess and Tater are the dynamic duo here at home. The terrible two and "Please just kill me now" threes are out in full force. But they do make me laugh all day long and I am hoping to keep them this age forever, although it would be great if they would at least think about using the damn Elmo potty!

Then there is Koda. She is adorable but pure evil.......I'm afraid she will never be trainable! She goes to doggie school daily at least for now. Good Golly I miss Obi and Lulu! 

I'm going to start blogging again and try to do it daily! It helps me keep a journal without journaling and  it keeps you all updated to the chaos! And well, I have a few minutes a day that I am not doing anything and I might as well fill it with something fun!

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