Then I realized although I adore my biological sister I also have a whole tribe of sisters! I am blessed to have some amazing women in my life.
Some I have known most of my life and now that we all live thousands miles apart they support me and give me advice without sugar coating it and most of all they love and laugh with me daily! Mary, Kim, Dawn and Jenn you knew me when I was a girl and you all make me a stronger woman and a better Mommy.
I have sisters that took care of me when I was sick, they watched my journey as I crawled through it not so gracefully but still held my hand and loved me anyway. I'm not sure I will ever be able to tell Dani and La how much I love them for that time. I'm not a good patient and I was really mad at cancer. But somehow they pushed me through. Dani has become such a important part of my Punkies lives and has continued to push me to be the best Mommy, friend, human I can be. We will be 80 and fabulous and she will still be yelling at me to put my eye cream on before bed and only to eat one bite of that cheesecake and not a whole slice!
Then there is my sister Kris who I knew as soon as I laid eyes on her in the elevator we were meant to be sisters. She changed my life instantly. She helped me really found myself and become a better woman. Through the years we have had many years seperate us but our friendship has stayed strong and easy and I appreciate her so much. I often can't find the words to tell her how much I love and adore her but sister feels right today.
Then there is Jenn, Elena, and La. You all are not part of my everyday life but I think of you daily. I laugh and think of the things we've done, adventures we've had, tears we've shared and you all hold my secrets that I cherish. Again, my sisters(or brother in E's case) I am at a loss at how blessed I am to have had you be part of my journey!
That's me and E at bingo with the Sisters!
Then there is the mother, wife and sisters of my best friend. How I adore you all and how much love and support I always feel from you. MamaSaun will always be another Mommy to me and how blessed I was to have you growing up! Jo I feel blessed that my friend found you and has you to walk through life with. I will always love him unconditionally and I am happy there is someone I love there to take care of him!
OK Jo don't kill me but I love this pic of the two Jo's! I promise to print a more flattering pic in the future!
And Kristen who will be crazy with me and talk about all the reality stars I want to talk about for hours! And will listen to my crazy life and not be afraid to tell me when I am being crazy and unbending and when I need to get me head out of my butt and make a change. She'll come when I need her or just answer the phone at 11:30 at night and calm me down. I love her! And she is a great sister!
And lastly I have so many amazing cousins that have been supportive, loving and amazing my whole life! My family is crazy but amazing! We live far apart, all across the US but when we come together watch out cause it is always fun!!!
So go out and hug your sisters ladies! We are blessed to have each other!
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