So my Punkies like schedules and consistency. I often feel guilty not taking them to church on Sunday mornings, well cause that is what we did growing up. But we have our own little ritual for Sunday mornings.
First, the Princess wakes me saying,"Is it football day?!"
My reply is "Yes my Princess".
"YaY!!!!!!! What are you going to cook for us?!"
Then the football day menu planning begins. Oh and it is around 4:30am.
Goooooooo Packers!!
Football food varies in our house. Some days its soups or chili and homemade bread. Other days its all about the snacking all day so I will make finger foods. Then other days it is a big old fashioned family dinner with fried chicken and all the southern fixins'.
After we plan the menu and I make a mental shopping list the doughnut questions start.
"Mommy do you like doughnuts? Do you think Mama likes doughnuts? I think my brothers would like doughnuts?!".
Then I reply, "Princess would you like for me to go get doughnuts this morning?".
"Yes please!"
So we usually call Gami at this point and jabber for a bit until FINALLY I get up and shower and start the day around 6am.
Everyone gets up and gets dressed and either gets their hair done or finds a hat and it's off to Happy Doughnut to get their favorites. And on the way home Mommy stops in the Starbucks for a white chocolate mocha. I always thank them and tell them they are the most special people in my life and offer them a child or two. They always tell me they love me but never take a child.........
Half eaten box of doughnuts!
Mommy's mermaid cup! Don't know what I would do without her!
So after doughnuts we usually go back out and go to the Farmer's Market so pick up yummies and flowers, then off to the Freddie's to pick up what we need for the days festivities. Yes I take all 4 Punkies to the store and yes they are usually all alive when we leave. If there is a race car cart available then all is great in the world, if not there is a question if all 4 are going to make it home.
Once we are home football is on the tv and Mommy is in the kitchen cooking for the rest of the day while the Baby Punkies want in their football jerseys and in there over sized chairs. It always surprises me that a two and three year old will sit and watch a game let alone 2-3 games in one day. The big boys on the other hand are not so willing so they help with cooking and chores and practice their reading and writing all afternoon. It's quiet peaceful really when everyone is in their groove.
Zo cleaning off the table after doughnuts
Buddha practicing his writing
Todays baked goods! Candy Corn baby cupcakes! Yummmmmyyyyyy!
After getting everything going in the kitchen I like to start on the Sunday papers. After reading and recycling it I start on the coupons. There is a lot of clipping and organizing then looking through the circulars and matching up the coupons and lists. It is very therapeutic and fun for me to figure out how I am going to save the most money for the week.
Late afternoon everyone is usually asleep in front of the fireplace in the living room floor! Gotta love family nap time!
Even though they have nibbled and munched all day the Punkies expect to sit down and eat Sunday Dinner with a yummy dessert!
Then it is bath and bed time for the Punkies and I get to sit for a few hours and plan me week, look over calenders and schedules, write lists, plan menus and bake snacks!
So I guess even though we don't get to church the Higher Power is with us all day! It is probably the most peaceful part of my week!
Happy Sunday Ya'All!!!!!
Next time, try a Salted Caramel White Mocha. They are AMAZING. White mocha is my Starbucks drink of choice too BUT seriously...try it.
ReplyDeleteI'm so all over it tomorrow!!! Thanks Dawny you always brighten my day!