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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy last year of my 30's!!!!!!!!!

Well Hellllooooooooo 2012! Am I glad to see you!!!! I'm glad to say goodbye to 2011! It was hectic and traumatic!!!! I had a stroke, moved and my baby Bu started public school full time!

I'm pretty sure 2012 is going to be FABULOUS!!!!!!

I have big plans for this year!!! It is my final year of being in my 30's and I plan to work out all the kinks!!! Although my Big Boy Punkies continue to be total pains with all their issues I plan on being a better Mommy to them this year.  Throwing out all the things everyone says you have to do or the way you have to be when raising these "kinds of kids" and going with my gut and figuring out what works for us. I plan on doing a better job at showing them what love and being a family is and how we are a family and that they aren't going anywhere.  I also plan on stepping it up with the Littles.  I want them to see that no matter what the Bigs do we are all still a family and Mommy has enough time and love for everyone!!!!

I'm also going to work on taking deep breathes and enjoying the simple every day pleasures of being a stay at home Mommy.  I sometimes forget how blessed I am to get this time with the kids. I'm always worried about what the next thing is that needs to happen that I forget to just stop and enjoy them.  There is so much that I want to do everyday that I need to remember to stop and just laugh. The Punkies are hysterical and they such a joy but one day they are not going to want to hang with Mommy!

I feel like I have been in this isolated sleep for a long time and it is time to wake up and shine!!!!!!

So Happy 2012!!!!! I hope we share it and you get everything you want out of it!!!!!!!

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