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Thursday, October 27, 2011

There need to be a manual.....

I have a few friends getting ready to be Mommy's for the first time. It's an exciting and a joyful time for them and I can't help thinking I should share some knowledge I have learned over the years that the women in my life forgot to tell me.........


Eating, Sleeping,Showering and using the bathroom will NEVER be a solo activity again!

Hot meals are a thing of the past.

There are substanes that you have no idea what they are that will come out of your child in different places that smell horrible.

At some point you will have either poop or vomit or both in your mouth!

If they out number you they will try to take over, it doesn't matter how old they are!

We know belly buttons fall off but what do you do when the dog eats it?!

Sometimes they cry for days and you will never know what in the world was wrong.

When you are positive they are never going to sleep again they will sleep through the night and you will not because you are sure there is something wrong so you go look at them every two seconds.

It doesn't get easier when they get older!

That swear word you have slip out from time to time will come out of their mouth when you least expect it, so expect it!

One little teeny tiny person creates 15 million more loads of laundry.

When they become toddlers every day becomes a scavenger hunt and you will find the craziest things in your drawers.

No matter how organized and anal you are, you will never be able to keep your house clean.

If you find yourself crying in the shower it's normal. 

A glass of wine can save you and your child's lives!

You never really knew what love was until you held that little person in your arms!

Feel free to comment and add some of your own wisdom to all!!!!

The Queen has arrived!

Praise all that is Holy and Good! The Queen has returned!

I love my Mommy and the Punkies have missed her soooo bad! She is back and already makes my days easier and funnier( yes I used the word funnier)!

Having the Queen here means Mommy isn't so crazy chaotic but there is a lot more laughter coming from me!!! And the Punkies have someone else to drive crazy!!! Yeah!!!!!!

Thanks Queeny for coming to spend the Winter with us!!!!

Silly S@&t I say as a Mommy!

My Mommy, the Queen, has said some pretty crazy stuff in my lifetime.  Me and my siblings often sit around when we are together and have a good chuckle about what comes out of her mouth.

But lately I've been thinking about somethings I have had to say to my Punkies and I now have a new understanding of why the Queen said such stupid shit!

Like for example I never in a million years thought I would ever have to say to my son, "Don't eat things out of the toliet!"(and I have said that many, many, many times!)

And more than once I have had to say, " Don't touch the dog's penis!" or "Lulu doesn't like her private parts rubbed!"

And recently I find myself saying a lot, "Don't put you penis on that!" or "Keep your penis off your brother" or "I know you have a penis" or "You're Va Jay Jay is pretty".

"Keep your fingers out of your butt!" is a phrase I have been known to throw around(That is the Queen's favorite quote I use).

"Where did you get that? What do you mean it came out of your nose?!"

"Don't eat things off the floor!"

After the dog taking something off one of the Punkie's plates and them wrestling the dog to the floor, I hear myself saying,"Don't eat that! The dog had that in her mouth!".

"Tater stop biting your sister, brother, dog, neighbor's dog, kid at the park....... perfect stranger walking by in the grocery store...."

That's just a few off the top of my head! I will add more as they come out of my mouth!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Peanut Butter Oreo Brownie Bars

Lovies, I like to bake! There is no getting around it. It is soothing and makes the house smell yummy delicious! The Punkies really like chocolate, especially the Princess!  When I saw these brownie/cookie yummy creations on a blog, I thought to my self, OOOOH I HAVE TO MAKE THESE!
Now I usually don't eat what a bake. A bite or two just to taste but never like an entire piece of anything. But these......Oh these ewey gooey treats are sinful!!!!! And I've eaten more than a entire piece! Much more than an entire piece...I might be eating some right now...........
They have oreo cookies between a yummy peanut butter cookie base and a gooey chocolate brownie!

Ultimate Halloween Peanut Butter Oreo Brownie Bar
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 (9.9 oz) pkg white chocolate candy corn M&Ms or 1 cup Reese’s Pieces
1 pkg Halloween or Double Stuffed Oreos
1 Family Size (9×13) Brownie mix
1/4 cup hot fudge topping
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cream the butter, peanut butter, and both sugars in a large bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed for 3-5 minutes. Add the eggs, milk and vanilla and beat until dough is light and fluffy. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt, then slowly add to the mixer until the flour is just combined. Stir in M&Ms. Spray a 9×13 baking dish with cooking spray, line with wax paper, and spray with cooking spray again. Spread the cookie dough in the bottom of the dish. Top with a layer of Oreos. Mix together brownie mix, adding an optional 1/4 cup of hot fudge topping to the mix. Pour the brownie batter over the cookie dough and Oreos. Bake at 350 degrees F for 45-55 minutes, until a toothpick inserted 2″ from the edge comes out with moist pieces clinging to it.

So I'm going to tell you right now that you may have a hard time finding the M&M's. They were not at my local Wal-Mart(they are a Wal-mart exclusive) but I used Reese's Pieces and they make this just as delicious!!!!

The Punkies and the Queen(my Mommy) all agree that these are a fabulous treat after pizza on Pizza and Movie Night!

I have found a few more totally crazy recipes so keep checking in because we will be using up the Halloween candy(or going to buy more) in the next couple of weeks!!!

Thanks Kevin & Amanda! This was a tasty treat!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Like I ever stood a chance.....

I never stood a chance when it came down to it.  The moment I laid eyes on Buddha I knew I was suppose to be his Mommy. My life changed in an instant and it almost killed me putting him in the back seat of someone else's car and having to wait another week for him to come home to me.
He is a funny kid. It was a month before his second birthday and he weighed 16 pounds. He was so tiny and had a huge vocabulary. The first month was a dream. He was cuddly and loving and always dancing and singing. Then the honeymoon was over.
The tantrums started. Oh my Good Golly the kid could throw a fit. He would scream for hours, and by hours I don't mean like 2! It was like 12-16. He would pull his hair and bite himself. He would kick and throw stuff, but mostly he would just scream. I cried through them with him most of the time. The anguish on this tiny person's face was enough to kill you!

Our struggle began....He had been so hurt, so abused, so neglected, so tortured, so unloved that I wasn't sure if I was going to be enough. There are days that I am still not sure I will be enough.....

But on nights like tonight when my heart is heavy and I am not sure what to do for him I still know that we were meant for each other and that I will never give up on him or stop believing in him. He is my boy, my Little Prince and my heart bleeds for him!

So to all you people out there that have taken kids like Buddha in...You amaze me. I respect you and I hope you get all the support and love you deserve. I hope people out there can cut you some slack and give you a smile when your little one(or not so little one) is misbehaving in public, or swearing at you or  throwing a fit. I hope you know even if you never hear a sincere I Love You that you have saved that child's life. I hope you can forgive your self when you are angry. I hope you can forgive yourself when you Fuck up and let me tell you, we all definitely fuck up with these kids. If you are teachers or social workers I hope you support these families and listen, really listen to what they are saying. You don't know how many times I felt unheard or not believed about my boys.

Buddha and I are still finding our way, and it has been 4 years, but we are still dancing and laughing together so I am sure we will eventually find the right path together.

It's been a hard road, and a really hard day....but I love my boy and I feel blessed!

PS Sorry for the potty mouth but I'm writing what I am feeling tonight?!=)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Funny S&@t My Kids Say.....

Today is all about Tater! He hates being the baby and runs circles around the other Punkies to keep up and be included in everything!
Tater is my beautiful baby boy!

He thinks it hilarious to say, "You go away!" I am not sure exactly what that is suppose to mean but he says it then laughs hysterically. Now if you say okay and walk away he completely freaks out and starts screaming and grabs your leg. But if you say,"No you go away Tater". He will laugh for hours!
Go Away Mommy! Where are you goooooing?!
You go away Tater! Hee hee hee hee

But his new phrase is "With my Bad Self" and he attaches that to pretty much everything! So I get a lot of "I did it with my Bad Self" or "I can do it with my Bad Self". It is pretty funny!
Tater after eating black jelly beans for hours with his Bad Self!

The other funny story of the weekend.................................

This is our Gampi! He is crazy! He loves his grandpunkies so much that he is dressing up as DJ Lance Rock for Halloween! When Gami sent us this pic yesterday Vannie says, "Holy Shit! Gampi is DJ Lance!" Now she is pretty sure that it is him on the TV every time we watch Yo Gabba Gabba!

Eeeeaaaasy Like Sunday Morning!

So my Punkies like schedules and consistency. I often feel guilty not taking them to church on Sunday mornings, well cause that is what we did growing up. But we have our own little ritual for Sunday mornings.

First, the Princess wakes me saying,"Is it football day?!" 
My reply is "Yes my Princess".
 "YaY!!!!!!! What are you going to cook for us?!"
Then the football day menu planning begins. Oh and it is around 4:30am.
Goooooooo Packers!!

Football food varies in our house. Some days its soups or chili and homemade bread. Other days its all about the snacking all day so I will make finger foods. Then other days it is a big old fashioned family dinner with fried chicken and all the southern fixins'.

After we plan the menu and I make a mental shopping list the doughnut questions start. 
"Mommy do you like doughnuts? Do you think Mama likes doughnuts? I think my brothers would like doughnuts?!".  
Then I reply, "Princess would you like for me to go get doughnuts this morning?".  
"Yes please!" 
So we usually call Gami at this point and jabber for a bit until FINALLY I get up and shower and start the day around 6am.

Everyone gets up and gets dressed and either gets their hair done or finds a hat and it's off to Happy Doughnut to get their favorites. And on the way home Mommy stops in the Starbucks for a white chocolate mocha. I always thank them and tell them they are the most special people in my life and offer them a child or two. They always tell me they love me but never take a child.........
Half eaten box of doughnuts!

Mommy's mermaid cup! Don't know what I would do without her!

So after doughnuts we usually go back out and go to the Farmer's Market so pick up yummies and flowers, then off to the Freddie's  to pick up what we need for the days festivities. Yes I take all 4 Punkies to the store and yes they are usually all alive when we leave. If there is a race car cart available then all is great in the world, if not there is a question if all 4 are going to make it home.

Once we are home football is on the tv and Mommy is in the kitchen cooking for the rest of the day while the Baby Punkies want in their football jerseys and in there over sized chairs. It always surprises me that a two and three year old will sit and watch a game let alone 2-3 games in one day. The big boys on the other hand are not so willing so they help with cooking and chores and practice their reading and writing all afternoon. It's quiet peaceful really when everyone is in their groove.
Zo cleaning off the table after doughnuts

Buddha practicing his writing

Todays baked goods! Candy Corn baby cupcakes! Yummmmmyyyyyy!

After getting everything going in the kitchen I like to start on the Sunday papers. After reading and recycling it I start on the coupons.  There is a lot of clipping and organizing then looking through the circulars and matching up the coupons and lists.  It is very therapeutic and fun for me to figure out how I am going to save the most money for the week.

Late afternoon everyone is usually asleep in front of the fireplace in the living room floor! Gotta love family nap time!

Even though they have nibbled and munched all day the Punkies expect to sit down and eat Sunday Dinner with a yummy dessert!

Then it is bath and bed time for the Punkies and I get to sit for a few hours and plan me week, look over calenders and schedules, write lists, plan menus and bake snacks!

So I guess even though we don't get to church the Higher Power is with us all day! It is probably the most peaceful part of my week!

Happy Sunday Ya'All!!!!!