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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mom of the week.......

I gotta tell ya, I am very blessed to know some amazing Moms!  Some inspire me, some make me laugh, some mock me, some teach me and some just hold my hand.

With the world of Facebook, Twitter, and texting I get to spend my days glimpsing into the lives of all these different women and their families.  We are all very different, and that makes it even more fun.

I grew up in a very small town, and some of the people I hold nearest and dearest I have known at least since High School....some since grade school.......and there are a few I have known forever.  KK finds it weird that I keep in contact with these people and although I haven't actually seen them in 20 years I still consider them friends and most I consider family.  I them comforting.

Anyway, I want to tell you about a friend that I have had since High School....Maybe we knew each other in Junior High........ but anyway in the last few years we have reconnected and she has been a life line.  Someone that has inspired me, taught me, cried with me, MOCKS me, laughs with me, laughs at me, holds my hand and never judges.  She reminds me every day of what friends/sister are to each other.

She has two boys.  They are both hilarious and I love to get early morning texts of what G and M said or did that morning.  Or recently I got a pic........

This is a pic of her two boys stuck on top of their shed because she took the ladder away..... I am still laughing weeks later and I am super sure that they are not still up there but one sent the other to distract her while he climbed up there then spunky child #2 got up there and Mom took the ladder!!! Ha still funny!!!!

Then there was the text that I got that said she just sent her hubby a text that she loved him (Awwwww so sweet) and then her new landlord replied that he loved her too but thought that they should take it slow since they barely knew each other!!!! HA!!!!!!! Peed my pants a little over that one!!!!

So as you can see this gal is HILARIOUS and makes me laugh a lot.  She gets me and my sense of humor and allows me to say words like cunt and doesn't make that face or tell me how inappropriate it is to use the word cunt( I just said it twice in one long sentence). She understands when I say my Punkies are driving me crazy and I am thinking about running away and finding a Carnnie to settle down with and live in a trailer..........the list goes on and on and she just helps me plan!

So when she was telling me a bit about her one of her boys and what they were experiencing at school and what had happened in the past I was floored by what was going on and awed by the way she was handling things.  Not that I thought she wouldn't handle herself well but the degree of grace and respect for her child she has shown is amazing and inspiring...........

Her boy is a shy boy, who is extremely smart and gifted.  He draws, writes, reads, creates and plays chess.  She encourages him to use his gifts and they as a family enjoy all that pop culture has to offer! I love that about their family....that they are all geeks and are proud of it!  My family is full of geeks too but they act way to cool and won't admit it.  So I am totally jealous!

Anyway last year her boy was bullied....and I don't mean picked on here and there, I mean bullied.  Pushed to a point to where I am amazed at how well a boy at such a young age could bounce back and be willing to start fresh at a new school all while having a bright spirit and open heart.  It sounded bad and Dawn handled it always thinking of how each step was going to effect her son.  

He started a new school this year.  Joined things!!!! This shy, sensitive boy joined groups/clubs!!! He was really excited about joining the band.  He wants to play the sax.  His band director is making him play the flute.  Now I as his mother, would have gone ape-shit crazy.  He had such a hard time last year, he was trying so hard and moving outside of his box and he gets another disappointment?! 

Yeah, I would have been impossible.  But Dawn was patient, talked to the director, talked to her son and then talked to the director again.  All calmly and gracefully.  She let her son make his own choices, which he was amazingly grown up, gracious and truly beautiful in all that went into his deciding.  

So my friend/sister Dawn once again has taught me another huge step in being a Mommy.  Allowing my kid to be himself and giving them the chance to do what they feel they need to do.  I would have been so caught up in emotions and they both sat and thought things through. Weighed different options and that little boy made man size choices that most men wouldn't have made!

So anyway my Dawny gets my Mom of the Week this week and I am grateful and lucky to have her in my life!!!!

Love you Dawny!

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